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New subscription based upgrade policy.
12 months of uninterrupted subscription payments qualify you for receiving a perpetual fallback license.
20% discount for uninterrupted subscription for the 2nd year, 40% discount from the 3rd year onward.

TwistedWave subscription options & pricing

macOS 10.13 or newer is required in order to get the subscription based version of TwistedWave. You should either upgrade, or purchase TwistedWave 28.

Yearly billing
First year
incl. tax $12.30
Second year
incl. tax $12.30
First year
Video & Speech offered
incl. tax $12.30
Third year onward
Per year
incl. tax $12.30
Monthly billing
Per month
incl. tax $1.23

The tax rate depends on your country tax rules and entered tax identification number.

Video & Speech

Bring TwistedWave to an extra level by adding support for video, and speech recognition.

  • Speech recognition allows you to synchronize the waveform with a text script. Select a piece of text, and the corresponding audio will be selected in the waveform. More info...
  • Video synchronization allows you to play or record audio while seeing the video. You can save the video with the edited audio track. It is even possible to edit the video by having the video track follow the edits done on the audio. More info...

Are you upgrading? Limited time offer!

If you have an old license key, and did not get a subscription yet, enter it below and you will be eligible to a discounted upgrade rate. If you can't find it, you can use our license key lookup tool.

There is no license key in the text field. TwistedWave license keys are in the format "TWAVE-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX". You may want to copy / paste it in order to avoid typos.
Unfortunately, that license key is not eligible for a discounted upgrade rate.
The license key you have entered appears to be invalid, or for some reason is not in TwistedWave's database. You may want to double check it, or contact TwistedWave's tech support.
License key validation failed. Please try again later.

You are eligible to a discounted upgrade rate. If you get a yearly subscription plan, you will benefit immediately from the discounted price of $59.90 usually available from the third year.

In addition, because you have purchased the speech recognition or video synchronization add-ons before, they will be offered for the first year if you get a yearly subscription.

Perpetual Fallback License

A perpetual fallback license grants you access to a specific version of the software without an active subscription. It includes all bugfix updates within that version, more specifically in version X.Y all Y releases are included. Here's how it works:

  • Purchasing an annual subscription provides an immediate perpetual fallback license for the version available at the time.
  • Paying on a monthly basis grants a perpetual fallback license once you've paid for 12 consecutive months, giving you access to the version available when your 12-month subscription started. You'll receive perpetual fallback licenses for each version you've paid for 12 consecutive months.